Ora and Giora Kuller | Transformation in garden observation

Many homes in Israel, both private homes and condominiums, have a garden.
Over the past several months, Giora and Ora Kuller transformed their small home garden into a paradise of birds and flowers that became a source of inspiration.
Being in the garden inspires a person to look at the flowers and the birds that visit it in a different way.
Giora, who is a photography enthusiast, equipped with a sophisticated camera, was able to take spectacular photos of tiny birds that came to the garden, from interesting angles.
Ora, who is a talented painter, drew inspiration for drawings and paintings from the colorful display of flowers and birds in the garden and the beautiful photographs.
The COVID-19 lockdown and their home garden were a source of inspiration for the couple’s special creations. Their beautiful work manifests their personal abilities.

Kineret Palti

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