Accented Cinema | Artist Panel

2.12 Hours 18:30 - 20:00

The Photography Festival Hosts The Department of Photography at the NB Haifa School of Design

Five graduates of the Department of Photography at the NB Haifa School of Design present excerpts from their cinematic works and discuss the possibility of modest and personal cinema rooted in still photography.
The works’ cinematic language, which does not conform to mainstream commercialism, seeks to express the voices of immigrants, refugees and diasporic people.
Participants: Tarabeh Marwa, Nidaa’ Assaliyah, Alina Mitelman, Rujena Rodshteyn and Lina Mustafa.

Moderator: Eran Hadad Barak, Head of the Department of Photography at the NB Haifa School of Design
Excerpts of the works will be screened during the event. The works will also be screened in full during the festival.

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